The assignment due tomorrow for me is to do a finish drawing on tracing paper of the drawing we're going to etch unto zinc plates. Unfortunately, I dont have any pictures with me at the moment, but you can look forward to get pictures of the finishesXD.. if I'm actually able to tolerate them.
Look forward to itXD~
(This turned out to sound like an advertisement;_;)
Oh yeah some pictures since blogs without pictures are boring o_o
Got them from a Liquitex representative that came to our Material and Methods class in Parsons. Last semester we got free prismacolor stuff.. Sadly all my stuff were.. lost because of this really confusing event where our class took the whole box of stuff that was meant for 3 classes.. Here's a pic:
Anyway I haven't ever used acrylic before but I guess it's a good time to try nowXD... I'll start when the time is right>>
YAY YOU POSTED >_________> !!!!!! THIS WILL BE A TRUE A.C.T. BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOTZZZZZZZZZZZ<333 잘 부탁합니다~~
.. what does A.C.T. mean... Asian.. Corean Team x_X?;;;;
LOL NO arts craft travel blog-_______-.......but asan corean team is ...good >_>! nice freebies xD
A.C.T. = "arts, crafts and travel" (refer to the subtitle of blog xD)
You got ACRYLIC PAINTS for free?! HOW?
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